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Laughter Yoga

Leading a breathing exercise during Laughter Yoga Leaders training

Leading a breathing exercise during Laughter Yoga Leaders training

Laughter Yoga

I’d wanted to train in Laughter Yoga for a while so when the opportunity came to (just outside) Nottingham in early January 2016, I took the plunge.  The two day training was led by Vicky Gallimore a certified trainer of Laughter Yoga Leaders who herself trained with Dr Kataria MD, Founder of the Laughter Yoga University in India.

The technique has many benefits:- It is an easy and fun aerobic exercise allowing more oxygen to travel round the body and to the brain bringing health, happiness and relaxation along with feeling more energetic.  Laughter Yoga creates positive energy, connecting people, improving relationships and laughter and smiling attracts people.  The technique also reduces stress and strengthens the immunity, it helps keep you strong in times of illness.  If practised in the morning, the technique can keep you in a good mood and cheerful throughout the day, giving you a positive mental state to help deal with negative situations and/or people, hope and optimism in difficult times.  And sometimes, its nice just to laugh out load to yourself – laugh away your stresses.

Laughter Yoga is a practical technique with no need for humour or jokes.  Working in a group, fake laughter becomes real – you “fake it till you make it”.  Laughter Yoga is so-called as it consists of a mixture of laughter exercises and deep Yogic breathing.  Scientifically, the body doesn’t know the difference between real and fake laughter so the person still receives all the physiological and psychological benefits mentioned above.

Laughter Yoga is a rapidly growing technique – it began led by Dr Kataria in a Mumbai park in 1995 with 5 people and now there are thousands of clubs in more than 70 countries across the world as well as workshops, regular classes and in the workplace, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, gyms, health clubs and many more.

Laughter Yoga is an especially useful tool in the workplace so if you would like me to run a session in your workplace (or other existing group or organisation) then please contact me at or via the envelope on my landing page.


Laughter Yoga graduation

Laughter Yoga graduation


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