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Can yoga help sleep disorders?


More people than usual are reaching out with problems sleeping (or staying asleep) during Covid and the recent tightening of restrictions.  One of the questions I am asked is “Can yoga help sleep disorders?”  The short answer is yes but there is a little more to it…a regular weekly or twice weekly yoga class will be likely to assist with better sleep for most people.  However, stronger flowing practices too close to sleep time may not!  Strong backbends practised in the evening may not be ideal either!  A dedicated Sleep Recovery system of gentle movements are what is needed to restore your rest on an on-going basis.  These are best practised before sleep time and can also be used for middle of the night wakefulness.  Practising in this way teaches you how to locate tension in the body and how to disperse it.  Restorative postures and building periods of rest into your day can also help promote your sleep recovery – it is ok to rest!

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