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Why Sleep Recovery – my story


I’ve never been a really bad sleeper.  I was just always not a great one!  I always felt I needed more sleep.  I was always conscious of needing to get more sleep.  When I needed to get up early to catch what I like to call the “silly o’clock train” to London for Yoga or Pilates teachers’ continuing education (I live and teach in Nottingham), the anxiety of this would mean I had to practice a relaxing yoga sequence fairly early the evening before in order to wind down enough to go to sleep early enough to ensure I got enough sleep!  Not always easy if I was teaching yoga the evening before!

I was fortunate enough to attend a workshop at the Om Yoga Show in London in October 2019 with Lisa Sanfilippo, psychotherapist, yoga teacher and author of “Sleep Recovery” and “Yoga Therapy for Insomnia and Sleep Recovery” and attended in-depth on-line training in the Sleep Recovery method during the first UK lockdown and qualified as a Sleep Recovery Practitioner.

Since qualifying, I have taught on-line group courses on the Five Steps to Sleep Recovery, on-line and in-person one to ones (Covid safe of course!)

The method transformed my life!  The Five Steps to Sleep Recovery are an amazing set of yoga tools (relaxing yoga postures for sleep time and enlivening postures (not necessarily the ones you would expect)) and I am inspired to share them with you having gained so much from them myself.  I am not only able to sleep much better, I am also enabled to notice and manage my energy levels better during the day and use simple, quick yoga practices to return to sleep should something “go bump in the night”!

But you needn’t just accept my word for it.  Click here to see some client success stories and here to receive further information on Sleep Recovery and forthcoming Sleep Recovery courses.

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