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Quick Yoga Relaxation Technique


If you need a quick Yoga relaxation technique which can be done seated, at home, work or on public transport then try this:  Allow your body to become still and as loose as possible.  Scan for any areas of tension and try to relax them – this could be your forehead, your neck, your jaw, your hands.  Then tense all the muscles in your body and release them.  Repeat this process once more. Watch the breath weaving in and out of the body and envisage this alternate nostril breath just going in through the left nostril and out through the right. In right, out left and so on.  Then count the breaths backwards from 11 to 1 or a higher number if time permits.  When it is time for you to leave the Yoga practice become aware of your physical body, take a deep breath and a stretch and this completes your practice…

Use tense and relax techniques with alternate nostril breathing to relax wherever you are

Use tense and relax yoga techniques with alternate nostril breathing to relax wherever you are

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