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Easy Chair Yoga Sequence – Version 2


Chair Yoga – Sun Loop V2

If you like Sun Loop Version 1 of the chair yoga sequences, you will love Version 2.  If you are desk bound and wishing to do some gentle exercise from your seat or are interested in a full chair yoga class, try this Sun Loop sequence and notice its effect.  Sit upright with a neutral spine away from the back of your chair so your “core” muscles are having to help support you.  Have a right angle at the knees and the ankles using cushions or blocks if necessary.

  • Begin with hands at solar plexus height
  • Inhale, cross the wrists and bring the hands overhead
  • Exhale, sweep arms to the side and down to hip height in an arc shape, bringing hands together at solar plexus height, one on top of the other
  • Inhale, bend the arms at the wrist, bringing the hands to the chest
  • Exhale, lower hands back to solar plexus
  • Repeat four more times, close your eyes and return your hands to your thighs.
  • Notice how you feel.

For further information, please click here

To book a space on the next course, please click here

Happy practising!

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