Currently viewing the category: "Yoga"

Sitting – undoing all that sitting at your desk


Sitting at your desk – how to bring your spine back to good alignment. Hailed as the new smoking, all that sitting at work, in the car, or when reading, texting etc takes its toll on the position the spine naturally gravitates towards. However, it is never too late to begin to bring the spine […]

Yoga for Alzheimer’s Research UK


A group of lovely yogis met at the Bamboo Yoga Studio in Nottingham to raise funds for Alzheimer’s research. Despite it being a warm sunny evening and lots of yogis already being away on holiday, we raised c£300 for this worthwhile charity and had great fun doing so! The Hatha Yoga practice commenced with a […]

Restorative Yoga (benefits)


Restorative yoga teaches us how to relax (or remember!) how to relax. In restorative yoga we bring the idea of relaxation into activity rather than simply collapsing on the sofa at the end of the day. Restorative yoga is learning how to rest. Restorative yoga returns us to our natural and innate ability to relax […]

How does yoga work?


[bws_captcha] How does Yoga work? I am often asked “how does yoga work”. A good question and, one which, until this decade there were lots of theories as to how yoga does indeed work. We know yoga is good for relaxation, flexibility, improved sleep, releasing tension and stress. Boston University School of Medicine research shows […]

Yoga Workshop


I am pleased to announce my forthcoming grounding Yoga Workshop.  Join us on Sunday 29 January from 10am until 1.30pm at this half day Sunday morning workshop at Bamboo Yoga, a beautiful fully equipped yoga studio environment in Arnold, Nottingham. Allow yoga postures and Pilates exercises to gently awaken you and improve balance, flexibility, core […]

Quick Yoga Relaxation Technique


If you need a quick Yoga relaxation technique which can be done seated, at home, work or on public transport then try this:  Allow your body to become still and as loose as possible.  Scan for any areas of tension and try to relax them – this could be your forehead, your neck, your jaw, […]

Laughter Yoga


Laughter Yoga I’d wanted to train in Laughter Yoga for a while so when the opportunity came to (just outside) Nottingham in early January 2016, I took the plunge.  The two day training was led by Vicky Gallimore a certified trainer of Laughter Yoga Leaders who herself trained with Dr Kataria MD, Founder of the […]



Zenga Certificate Being a fan of all things Yoga and Pilates I was naturally curious about Zenga – a mindful movement technique, so I undertook the training to become a Level 1 Zenga mat instructor.  Zenga combines elements of Yoga, Pilates and dance movements and adds to these disciplines modern medical knowledge particularly in relation […]

Yoga – Warrior II


Yoga – Warrior II I am sometimes asked why is the foot position precise in Yoga Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II). Its all to do with alignment of the hip and protection of the knees and we need to protect these joints in our yoga practice and in our Yoga Warrior II. The starting positon for […]

Yoga & Pilates – the breath


I am sometimes asked in classes how and why the use of the breath differs in Yoga and Pilates so I have put together the following to provide a short yet informative summary of the differences between the use of the breath in Yoga and Pilates. In Pilates it is believed that a relaxed and […]